The accommodation comprises the following approximate gross internal floor areas:
Description | sq ft | sq m |
Ground Floor | 1,425 | 132.39 |
Mezzanine Office | 570 | 52.95 |
Total | 1,995 | 185.34 |
The unit is located on the western side of the city, within an established commercial district in the area of Portslade. Mill Road runs directly north from the A259 South Coast Road and is predominantly an industrial location surrounded by residential housing.
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Accommodation comprises a ground floor industrial unit forming part of a terrace and providing industrial space with an office at ground floor, and a further office at mezzanine level. The unit benefits from the following amenities:
• Front elevation roller shutter door
• Personnel door
• Three phase electricity
• Mezzanine office
• 2 car parking spaces
A new lease is available on terms to be agreed.
VAT may be applicable on the terms quoted.
Each party to be responsible for their own legal costs.