The property is located at Matts Lodge Farm just off the A5199 in the village of Creaton Northamptonshire.
The A5199 provides access to Northampton (8 miles), Junction 1 of the A14 (5 miles) and the wider national motorway network.
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The property is to the front of Matts Lodge Farm and comprises of a fully insulated open plan workshop with a concrete floor. In the corner of the unit is a small self contained office.
The property benefits from 3-phase electricity, sodium lighting, electric roller shutter door, water, ample parking and communal on site facilities.
We calculate the approximate gross internal floor area to be c. 1050 Sq ft (97.5 Sq m)
The unit is available to lease for between one and three years at terms to be agreed.
Please note we would be willing to discuss taking a stake in the business in lieu of rent.