Proposed Drive Thru' Opportunity, Southmoor Road, Hemsworth, Pontefract



  • Proposed single storey 1,033 sqft drive thru restaurant with parking
  • Adjacent to a Costa Drive Thru and a KFC Drive Thru.
  • Benefits from a detailed planning consent
  • Just off the A628 south of Hemsworth


The accommodation comprises the following areas:

Namesq ftsq mAvailability
Ground - Drive Thru' Restaurant 1,033 95.97 Available
Proposed Drive Thru' Restaurant, Southmoor Road - Photo 1.png


The premises are located in the busy market town of Hemsworth which is situated some 7 miles south east of Wakefield, 6 miles south of Pontefract and 6 miles north east of Barnsley. The town draws from an extensive catchment of towns and villages with a population of circa 74,000 people in a 10 minute drivetime.

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Further Information

Rent £60,000 per annum

Rates Payable n/a

EPC Rating This property has been set as EPC exempt.
Reason: No building present


A proposed single storey Drive Thru' restaurant to be located to the north of the existing Costa Drive Thru and KFC Drive Thru. The scheme fronts both Southmoor Road and Kirkby Rd. Planning secured for the unit with a drive thru' lane. The ground floor will extend to 1,033 sqft.