Grade A Office Space To Let



  • Rents from £6.95 per sq ft ** Subject to Lease Terms and financial Status
  • Flexible Sizes Available
  • BREAM rating - Very Good
  • Suspended Ceilings with LED panel lighting
  • High Speed Internet Connection
  • Raised Access Floors
  • 4 pipe coil air-conditioning
  • Car Parking Ratio 1:250 sq ft
  • Proposed Landlord works are targeting a min EPC B Rating
  • DDA Compliant Passenger Lifts


Quorum Park is located at Longbenton which is 4 miles to the north of Newcastle City Centre, adjacent to the A188 Benton Lane and approximately 2 miles equal distance between the A1 and A19, both key road networks that provide access north/south in the region and onto the national motorway networks.

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Further Information

Rent £6.75 per sq ft

Rates Payable Upon Enquiry


The property comprises a detached modern office building in a steel framed construction with part brick, part glazed elevations under a shallow pitched insulated composite sheet roof. We have the ground, first and second floor available to let from 6,000 to 72,000 sq ft.

The ground floor extends to 23,354 sq ft and the second and third floor extends to 24,317 sq ft each with a contiguous second and third floor offering c50,000 sq ft combined. Space also allows configuration from 6,000 sq ft. and the potential to create bespoke and smaller suites.

Car parking spaces are provided at a ratio of 1 per 250 sq ft.