
  • 762 sqft (70.79 sq m)
  • £14,000 per annum exclusive
  • Prominent position fronting the pedestrianised Poole High Street
  • Alternative uses may also be considered - subject to planning
  • Class E use
  • Character Grade II Listed building


The accommodation comprises the following areas:

Namesq ftsq m
Ground - Retail Sales Area 672 62.43
Ground - Ancillary Store Room 90 8.36
94A High Street - IMG_1926.JPG


The property is situated in an excellent position fronting the pedestrianised Poole
High Street shopping area.

Nearby operators include Peacocks, Savers Health & Beauty, Mountain Warehouse,
The Entertainer, The Works, CEX, Lloyds Bank and various others. A number
of public car parks are located nearby.

Get directions from Google Maps

Further Information

Rent £14,000 per annum exclusive

Rates Payable Upon Enquiry

EPC Rating This property has been graded as B (43)


The property comprises a ground floor retail unit with additional ancillary space, a basement with restricted head height, WC accommodation and rear access. The premises form part of an attractive Grade II listed building.


By way of a new Full Repairing and Insuring lease for a term to be agreed
incorporating 3 yearly upward only rent reviews.


£14,000 per annum exclusive.

The stated annual rental is exclusive of VAT, building insurance, business rates and utilities. Rent is payable quarterly in advance

Business rates

The property has a current rateable value of £14,250. The Rates Payable will be determined by the Uniform Business Rate Multiplier which is set by the Government annually. Interested parties are therefore encouraged to contact the Local Rating Authority directly.


We understand the property has the benefit of a Planning Consent for uses falling
within Class E, within the Town & County Planning (Use Classes) Order 1987 as

Legal costs

Each party to be responsible for their own legal costs.