The site is located in the St Paul's area of central Bristol, within a five minute walk of Cabot Circus Shopping and Leisure Centre and within a short walk of multiple public transport options.
The University of Bristol's Clifton Campus is located one mile to the west and their forthcoming Temple Quarter Enterprise Campus is located one mile to the south. UWE's Frenchay Campus is just a 13 minute bus ride from a nearby stop.
The site sites adjacent to the Dove Lane Development site and across Newfoundland Circus from the Frome Gateway Regeneration Area, meaning it falls within an area of regeneration bringing new homes, student accommodation, employment options and leisure opportunities in the coming years.
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The Newfoundland Road site extends to 0.2 acres and is located in central Bristol. Resolution to Grant Full Planning Consent (subject to s.106) has been received for a scheme of 101 student bedspaces and 900 sq ft of ground floor office floorspace.