The property is located on Regents Park Road one of the most desirable Villages locations in London. The Street is renowned for its cafes, restaurants and high class shops. The area benefits from free parking on Saturdays & Sundays and external kerb side eating adding to its attraction. Recent lettings to Roni's Bagels, Gail's and ITS Bagel show the rent at 103 to be very reversionary.
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The ground & lower ground floors of 103 are let to CP Hart. It is one half of two interconnecting units used as a showroom and design studio. The unit has been recently re fitted with the lower ground floor displaying sauna's and a range of working shower heads. The ground floor has a good window frontage with a range of bathroom & shower displays and design stations. There is a wide stairway leading from the ground to the lower ground floor which is the main retail access for both units. The lease was renewed during Covid and the rent agreed dropped to £40,000. The ERV is £50/55,000 suggesting a reversionary yield of at least 6.25%