*The rent is inclusive of service charge and VAT but exclusive of business rates, communication costs, electricity and water. The accommodation comprises the following approximate net internal floor areas.
Description | sq ft | sq m | Rent | Availability |
2nd Floor Suite 5 | 215 | 19.97 | £800 /month | Available |
The premises are situated on Middle Street, a pedestrianised thoroughfare linking both West Street and East Street. There is a variety of retailers located within the immediate proximity including Truffles Bakery, Ryman Stationer and Barclays Bank.
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Premises comprise recently refurbished office accommodation over the first and second floors, available on a room by room basis.
• Town centre location
• Excellent natural light
• Wooden flooring
• Spot lights
• Shower facilities
• Kitchenette and WC facilities
New leases are available on terms to be agreed.
Each party to be responsible for their own legal costs.
100% small business rates relief available, subject to the status of the tenant. We advise that you contact the Local Rating Authority for confirmation of the actual amount payable.